Thursday, March 29, 2007

French government may raise biodiesel blend ceiling


28th March 2007

M. Bernard Chaud, a French agriculture ministry official, has told the
Reuters news agency that his government has notified the European
Commission that it is working on raising the maximum percentage of
bio-fuel in bio-diesel to 7% from the current 5%, in order to help
achieve the country's total biofuels usage targets of 5.75% by 2008 and
7% by 2010.

Because biofuels have a lower calorific value than their fossil
equivalents, the volume of biofuel sold will need to amount to 6.6% of
all fuels to reach 5.75% in calorific value.

France is the second biggest European biodiesel producer after Germany.
Such a move to raise renewables content in bio-diesel could help revive
both countries' biofuel refiners' prospects; their installed capacity
has been under-used, in particular since Germany recently increased tax
on biofuels.

Diesel currently sold in French service stations contains nearly 4%
biodiesel by volume, often without consumers being aware of it,
according to yesterday's Planet Ark/Reuters report.


1 comment:

Chumroen Benchavitvilai said...

It is the time for all interesting parties to take more serious concentration to develop the Jatropha. n
Not only to focus only at the Crude Jatropha Oil as the biofuel but also the by products of the Biomass from Jatropha cultivation.
The CJO contributes on 2.5 % of the product from Jatropha plantation while the Biomass contributes 97.5% of the total valuable products form the Jatropha cultivation.

Without the value created for the majority product .It is almost impossible to have the Jatropha as the economical viable energy crop.