Saturday, September 19, 2009

[PBN] Vanuatu electricity company plans to use jatropha

From: Radio New Zealand International - 09/09/2009
Vanuatu’s electricity company, Unelco, is reported to be planning to use the oil-rich jatropha plant to fuel its power stations.
After five years of research the company’s chosen jatropha and coconut oil over wind, hydro, solar and geothermal energy to power its main Port Vila station and those on other islands.
One of Unelco’s staff is in India visiting jatropha plantations and a processing factory.
The main Port Vila power station is running on 30 percent coconut oil and 70 percent imported fuel but jatropha will enable it to be powered completely by biofuels.
Jatropha grows wild in Vanuatu and Unelco is educating local people about growing it as a crop and the company believes it will become one of the main sources of income for farmers after copra.
Check for earlier Pacific Biofuel posts:

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