Thursday, November 26, 2009

[PBN] FW: Biofuels call for proposals - due Nov 30th 2009

From: ETC Energy - 14/09/2009
Dear PBN Memebers,
For your information - please find attached a call for proposal from ETC energy, that is due next week Monday on the 30th of November,
Proposal is focusing on small community projects or research with a funding amount of around 7000 Euros on biofuel. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please refer to details in attachment.
Source: Tim Moulder - ETC Energy
Check for earlier Pacific Biofuel posts:

From: Atishma Vandana Lal []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 07:56
To: 'Frank Vukikimoala'; 'Ivan Krishna'
Subject: FW: [PEG] Urgent!! FW: Biofuels call for proposals

FYI, If interested, this is due on 30th November.
Atishma Lal
Energy Support Officer
Community Lifelines Programme
SOPAC Secretariat of the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission    
Tel: +679 338 1377 Fax: +679 337 0040
Email: Website:
Maximum message size with attachments is 1.5MB. This e-mail is intended for its named recipients only. The views expressed in this email may not necessarily be the views of SOPAC. 


From: Sheila Oparaocha []
Sent: Sunday, 22 November 2009 3:42 PM
To: Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEG)
Cc: Mabebe Wright; Anja Panjwani;;; Gail Karlsson;
Subject: [PEG] Urgent!! FW: Biofuels call for proposals
Importance: High

Dear All,


Please have a look at the attachments. I herewith send a call for proposals regarding pro poor Biofuels. If you have ideas you would like to develop please let me know, or if you know of any relevant parties that might be interested please forward the call to them.

Looking forward to your reactions.


Kind regards

Tim Mulder

PO Box 64 | Kastanjelaan 5 | 3830 AB Leusden | The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)33 432 6072 | Fax: +31 (0)33 494 0791

Email: | Skype: timmulder

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Office days: Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday






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